Charlotte is a registered physiotherapist from Auckland, New Zealand. She graduated from Auckland’s University of Technology and spent the last three years working in the musculoskeletal field of practice. Two of which she spent many hours on the sideline and in clubrooms working with premier men’s rugby and football teams. Charlotte was introduced to the realm of physiotherapy through many dancing injuries she sustained growing up. As a classically trained dancer, she understands the importance of returning to the stage. This experience, in combination with her people loving personality, allows her to develop effective and collaborative rehabilitation plans for her clients. Charlotte will support you during your rehabilitative journey and guide you back to the field.

Get to know Charlotte


Qualified From:
Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand,
Class of 2020

Past Employment:

  • Dynamic Physio – Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist
  • Habit Health – Community and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist

What do you think are the best skills that you bring to your job?
With my dance background, I have an in-depth understanding of how the body moves through time and space. I love to get creative and implement functional based exercises for clients. My passion for helping others enables me to be driven and goal oriented. I very much enjoy seeing the success of others. My sporting sideline experience has been invaluable with managing both acute and chronic sporting injuries.

Favorite Conditions to Treat
Ankle and knee injuries.
From personal ankle and knee ligamentous injuries. I have been through the patient experience myself and seen the highs and lows of the rehabilitative journey. This encourages me to aim for success in my patients and their injuries. It’s also incredible what our ankles and knees allow us to do!

What are you happiest doing when you’re not working?
Swimming in the ocean, relaxing on a beach, enjoying spending time on the slopes & spending time with my favorite people.

What would be your personal motto?
Everyday is a good day

Who is someone you admire and why?
Emma Carey- Australian Author and Paraplegic. Emma Carey was an ordinary 20-something girl who sustained a spinal cord injury in a SkyDiving accident. Through long periods of rehabilitation, determination and a whole lot of resilience she has re-learned how to walk, dance, bike ride and even run/walk a marathon. Throughout her (ongoing) rehabilitative journey, she has been able to maintain such a positive outlook on life and reminds us to be grateful for all the small things.

Your most-outstanding achievement:
My most recent adventure – spending 4 months in a van exploring Europe! We managed to tick off 13 countries in just over 13,000kms.